Monday, August 30, 2010


I feel like everyone starts a blog once they get married, so in the spirit of following the crowd (and so I can remember all the crazy stuff I am doing), I figured I would start one.

So here goes Post #1:

I finally took the plunge on August 14! Kai & I got married in the Provo Temple and had our reception at the Zions Bank Financial Center on the top floor. We had the best food ever thanks to my fam & their amazing cooking skills (I am missing the food as I type this right now) and had a ton of fun! Since then, life has pretty much been a blur!


  1. that's an adorable pic nikki! congrats!

  2. YAY! So glad you started a blog! Especially with you being in London and everything! You looked so beautiful at your wedding! Congrats!

  3. Congrats you guys!!!!
    finally!!! you guys gave been dating for ever!!
    loves to both of you guys.
